Red Tractor Prebiotic Green Banana Multi - Fibre Superfood Powder (225g) - Mrs Free Singapore

Red Tractor Prebiotic Green Banana Multi-Fibre Superfood Powder (225g)

  • $11.90
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Red Tractor Green Banana Multi-Fibre Powder contains three fibres that help to support gut health - soluble, insoluble and fermentable. One serve provides 28% of your recommended daily intake of fibre.

Resistant Starch is a fermentable dietary fibre contained in green bananas that resists digestion in the small intestine. It passes through to the large intestine where it provides fuel for the gut bacteria and can help to support a healthy digestive system. 

Made from green lady finger bananas biodynamically and sustainably grown on the Atherton Tablelands in tropical far north Queensland. 

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